Level 3, 267 Collins Street

Phone: View phone number
Website: Visit company website

Click on the "Make Enquiry" button
for more information about the products and services provided by MYZONE.

Fitness supplies from MYZONE:
Exercise Programming Software, Gym Cardio Theatre Equipment, Gym Retention Management, Heart Rate Monitors

Business Description

MYZONE is an innovative heart rate based system that measures individuals physical activity whether inside or outside of the gym, wirelessly uploading the data to an individuals online log book of exercise.

MYZONE has built in goal setting, competitions and tracking tools providing both the member and the gym with innovative ways to keep the member motivated to achieve their results.

The user generated content allows the facility to have more relevant and engaging conversations with their members, increasing participation, attraction of new members and retention of current members.

Recent articles: (click to view)

MYZONE in Elle Magazine
MYZONE and Jordan in Celebs Magazine
MYZONE in ZEST Magazine

Press releases: (click to view)

25 Million Calories Burnt!
RIDE Program Partnership