How Travis Bell Realised His Dream With New Level Pesonal Training

by Travis Bell (New Level Personal Training Franchise Owner)

The New Level Personal Taining Franhise story is a 'warts and all' personal account of the history of the New Level Personal Training business. We figure, if franchisees are going to invest in a business, they want to know that the franchisor and the company have 'been there and done that.' It confirms that New Level are the experts in personal training.

New Level Personal Training was started by Travis Bell back in 1995 in his 3rd year of his Phys Ed. Degree. Travis, a state Iron Man champion, started it as a mobile personal training business in Melbourne, Australia. He had 40+ clients and was conducting 60+ mobile personal training appointments per week.

After 3 years of running the business this way, he soon realized that he could only train so many people within a week before burning-out (a common factor in personal training). It was a combination of the early mornings, the late nights, few day-time clients, and the frustration of saying 'No' to too many people wanting the same time-slots. He realized that he was not running the business, the business was running him.

If the business was to grow beyond him he had to employ additional personal trainers and lease a studio site. The 1st New Level studio was leased in Richmond, Australia. It greatly reduced travel time between clients, increased weekly client volume, wasn't outdoors or in someone else's gym anymore and it also served as a strong base for training new staff, running group personal training sessions and selling products. All of which add significant value to servicing client's needs and the bottom line.

On the surface the studio was a massive success. At the time there were 10 trainers, corporate health programs, a massage service, conference team-building programs and even a New Level Triathlon team! But behind the scenes it was a disaster. A combination of complex charge rates, wages, rent, equipment leases, trainers' stealing clients, competition, and a total lack of business systems nearly forced New Level into bankruptcy twice! Travis soon realized that he was a fantastic personal trainer but a very ordinary businessperson.

It was at that time that when Travis nearly gave up, but was determined to change his situation to make New Level better. It was then that Travis employed the services of a professional business coach. The New Level business model changed dramatically. The goal was to have New Level be the 1st to franchise personal training studios in Australia.

This was achieved. With over 2 years of coaching and a lot of 'trial and error', New Level Personal Training (Canterbury) was born. This was New Level's 1st franchised studio. Today, the New Level business model is streamlined to generate profits for franchisees and results for clients. Travis is now an accomplished author, professional speaker, fitness board representative as well as business coach to the New Level Personal Training franchisees. After speaking to him you will soon realize that he has the knowledge and the passion to help you make your business dreams a reality.

Find out more about a New Level Personal Training Franchise.