Why Online Marketing Matters?

by Stoney G deGeyter (Pole Position Marketing)

Search engine marketing has boomed in recent years and statistics show that spending for online marketing is only going to continue to increase year after
year. Several years ago the concept of running a website in conjunction with your ?brick and mortar? store was seen as just another avenue to generate a handful more sales each year. Today, running a website is not only a great way to generate a considerable amount of new revenue, it is almost essential to the total marketing plan of your business.

Every day, millions of people go to the web for research, shopping, news, entertainment and more. Offline stores are heavily promoting their websites to their consumers in the isles and at the checkout stand as a means of building brand loyalty as well as shopping convenience. Marketing your website online can literally
add thousands, hundreds of thousands and even millions of dollars into your business bank account.

As consumers turn to the web for a variety of reasons, planning the online marketing strategy of your website can help you tap into each of those avenues as a way to generate new traffic, more conversions, and a loyal customer base. Ignoring the potential of the web will only serve to give your competitors a substantial advantage in reaching your target market. Not investing
appropriate time, money, or resources into the online marketing of your website is akin to handing your customers over directly to your competitors.

Let?s consider the success of Amazon.com. When you think of online bookstores, most people think of Amazon. Why is that? Why not BarnsandNoble.com or Borders.com? Ten years ago, when the web was in its infancy, yet growing in popularity, Jeff Bezos jumped into the online game with a bookstore of his own. He got his store online before Barnes and Noble and Borders and now runs one of the most successful marketplaces online: Amazon.com

Even today, as all national booksellers are selling their products online, they have not been able to overcome the online success of this one guy who started a bookstore in his basement. Here we are, ten years later, and there are still thousands of businesses that have still not built up their online presence. Many have websites, but very few are marketing their websites effectively. You may not become the next Amazon.com success story, but effective marketing of
your website can add considerable coin to your purse.

GymLink specialise in providing online marketing & lead generation strategies for fitness businesses including health clubs, gyms and personal trainers. The www.gymlink.com.au
website lets you register your fitness business and begin targeting health & fitness conscious consumers right from the moment you list. With the Advantage Plus Listing & Powerful E-Leads Program you instantly receive a strong web presence that gives your business an edge over your competitors.

Stoney deGeyter is president of Pole Position Marketing, a professional search engine marketing firm providing search engine optimization (SEO) and website marketing services since 1998. Stoney is also a part-time instructor at Truckee Meadows Community College, as well as a moderator in the Small Business Ideas Forum. He also contributes daily to the (EMP) E-Marketing Performance search marketing blog as well as the author of his E-Marketing Performance eBook.

Visit Fitness Marketing for ideas on marketing your fitness business.

For more information on how you can increase your web presence and increase your online lead generation contact GymLink at enquiries@gymlink.com